1 Shortcut to The Microsoft NetworkX*.mccX 2 Create Shortcut 3 .mcc 4 The Microsoft Network 5 Out of memory.##There is not enough memory available to complete this task. Try closing other windows and quitting other programs. 6 Shortcut not available.##This shortcut is either corrupted or invalid. Try creating a new one. 7 Cannot find service.##This shortcut links to a service that either has been moved to a new location or no longer exists. 8 Service not available.##You do not have access to this service. 9 Shortcut not available.##This shortcut may be currently in use. 10 Cannot open shortcut.##Please try again later. 11 Microsoft Exchange is not installed.##To install Microsoft Exchange, look up Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Help Index. 12 The Microsoft Network is not installed properly.##Please reinstall The Microsoft Network. To do this, look up Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Help Index. 13 Cannot open shortcut.##The Microsoft Network is not available at this time. Please try again later. 14 Shortcut could not be created. 19 '%s' has been successfully created on your desktop. 20 Explorer.exe 21 EXCHNG32.EXE /I 22 EXCHNG32.EXE /N 23 FTMCL.EXE 24 SIGNUP.EXE /b 25 ONLSTMT.EXE 26 ONLSTMT.EXE subscriptions 27 /root,{00028B00-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}, 28 /e,/root,{00028B00-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}, 36 Another 37 Shortcut to %s